Lifestyle and Mobility : what aspirations for the future ?
Lifestyle and Mobility : what aspirations for the future ? Forum Vies Mobiles Wed, 07/13/2016 - 14:54Our lifestyles must greatly change in the future in order to be sustainable, but how to make them desirable? To answer this question, the Forum Vies Mobiles launched an unprecedented international survey on aspirations linked to future lifestyles and mobility. The survey explores pace of life, travel conditions and frequency, work location and duration, ties with family and potential changes due to environmental degradation. The Forum revealed the key results in a conference on June 21, 2016, in Company of Philippe Moati, co-founder of ObSoCo, and film critic, Xavier Leherpeur.
Lifestyle and Mobility : what aspirations for the future ?
Lifestyle and Mobility : what aspirations for the future ? Forum Vies Mobiles Tue, 06/21/2016 - 14:55The study was launched in late 2015 by the Forum and conducted by the ObSoCo (Observatoire Société et Consommation) via online panel, in six developed countries (France, Spain, Germany, the U.S., Turkey and Japan), among a sample of more than 12,000 people. In order to fully understand aspirations, the survey offered respondents a dual perspective, allowing them to project themselves into a future both distant and ideal—a kind of utopian lifestyle they aspire for themselves, their children and grandchildren. A second set of questions goes over the same aspirations but in light of environmental issues, in order to measure the potential gap between the sustainable and the desirable. The goal is then to identify levers to activate and obstacles to overcome in order to reconcile the two sides of the equation. <br /><br /> - See the page of the project - <br /><br /> Vidéos of the meeting - 21 juin 2016 : <br /><br /> 1) Introduction by Christophe Gay
<br /><br /> 2) Utopias-worlds - Part 1 by Xavier Leherpeur
<br /><br /> 3) Lifestyles and mobility: an approach through aspirations: key results by Philippe Moati
<br /><br /> 4) Challenging contemporary lifestyles, by Sylvie Landriève
<br /><br /> 5) Utopian Experiments - Part 2 by Xavier Leherpeur
<br /><br /> 6) Conclusion and discussion with the audience
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