Michel Hubert
Michel Hubert is professor of sociology at the University of Saint-Louis (USL - B) and at the Free University of Brussels (ULB) where he teaches classes on Contemporary mutations and urban policies as well as Sociology of mobilities. He co-directed, alongside P. Lewis and M. Raynaud, Les grands projets urbains : territoires, acteurs et stratégies (University of Montreal Press, 2014) and published numerous works on mobility practices and the sharing of public space, as well as on the history and structure of transport networks and their impact on the city and its users. He is extensively involved in the research on urban realities in Brussels. In 2006, he created the trilingual electronic journal Brussels Studies (www.brusselsstudies.be). He is vice-president of the Brussels Studies Institute (BSI), a platform for interuniversity and interdisciplinary collaboration on Brussels. It is within BSI that he co-chairs the BSI-Brussels Center Observatory (BCO) alongside Professor Eric Corijn.