Projet collectif SciencesPo/Architecture Bordeaux
The collective SciencesPo/Architecture project is an educational program aiming to develop a common professional culture within the city between the students of the “Master’s in Metropolitan Strategies and Governance” at SciencesPo Bordeaux (directed by Gilles Pinson) and the “Master’s in Territorial Intelligence and Architecture” at the Bordeaux National School of Architecture and Landscape (directed by Stéphane Hirschberger). It brings students from both programs together to work on questions or projects commissioned by professional sponsors. The group consists of three political science students: Jeanne Agaësse, Louis-Baptiste Bertrand, Camille Radelet, and three architecture students: Lison Davault, Estelle Lafaille and Sarah de Sales. The group is supported by Valérie Diaz, an urban planner with Aurba, the urban planning agency of Bordeaux Aquitaine.