New voices 01 July 2021
Created in 2017 by the Mobile Lives Forum, the New Voices Awards aim to highlight the work of young and early career researchers and showcase outstanding Masters and PhD theses on mobility and its relationship to lifestyles and the ecological transition. Now in its second edition, in 2021 10 French and English speaking winners have been selected from 60 entries received from 19 different countries. Awarded 200 euros for masters and 500 euros for PhD theses, their work will be presented on the Forum's website during the year 2021-2022.
The Mobile Lives Forum is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2021 edition of the New Voices Awards for outstanding mobilities research.
Maria Besselièvre (Université de Lyon) | Prise en compte du coût résidentiel par les professionnels privés impliqués dans les recherches immobilières des ménages. Exemple d’une vallée attractive : le Grésivaudan (38)
David Fevyer (Westminster University) | Cycles of violence: Analysing media discourse in the newspaper reporting of bicycle users and road fatalities
Johannes Volden (University of Oslo) | Flying through a perfect moral storm: How do Norwegian environmentalists negotiate their aeromobility practices?
Meike Brodersen (Université libre de Bruxelles) | Le travail de la mobilité, entre parkings et particules. Les espaces-temps du travail sous tension
Sian Lewis (Loughborough University) | Sexual harassment in the London Underground: Mobilities, temporalities and knowledges of gendered violence in public transport
Claire Pelgrims (Université libre de Bruxelles) | Entre vitesse et lenteur. L’évolution des infrastructures de mobilité à Bruxelles
Cosmin Popan (Lancaster University) | Utopias of slow cycling: Imagining a bicycle system
Annemiek Prins (University of Aberdeen) | Unfixing the city: Rickshaw mobilities, modernities and urban change in Dhaka
David Sayagh (Université Gustave Eiffel/IFSTTAR) | Pourquoi les adolescentes ont moins de possibilités réelles de faire du vélo que les adolescents
Beatrice Zani (Université Lyon 2) | Mobilities, Translocal Economies, and Emotional Modernity. From the Factory to Digital Platforms, between China and Taiwan
Articles about each of the theses awarded will be published in the Mobile Lives Forum´s website from October.
Members of the jury were Vincent Kaufmann, Sylvain Allemand and the Mobile Lives Forum.
60 submissions were received, 17 in French and 43 in English. 31 theses were authored by female researchers.
Submissions were received from universities in 19 countries: France (18 submissions), UK (14), USA (6), Belgium (3), Australia (3), Norway (2), Spain (2), Netherlands (1), Hong Kong (1), Canada (1), Singapore (1), Mexico (1), Portugal (1), Hungary (1), Italy (1), Poland (1), Germany (1), Danemark (1), Switzerland (1).
The theses involved case studies in 21 countries.
To cite this publication :
Mobile Lives Forum (01 July 2021), « Second edition of the New Voices Awards », Préparer la transition mobilitaire. Consulté le 31 January 2025, URL: