The COVID health crisis has led to the unprecedented development of teleworking. People working within Ile-de-France are particularly affected by this practice : during the first lockdown, almost half of them were able to continue their activity by working full time from home. Today, while the health situation remains unstable, the practice of teleworking is still a reality for 42% of the working population of Ile-de-France.
This survey was carried out online with ObSoCo at the beginning of the year among a sample of 1,000 "teleworkers from the Paris region" aged between 18 and 64. They are defined here as all workers (excluding freelancers) employed in companies located in Île-de-France and who, at the time of the survey, teleworked at least part of the week. The first part of our survey on how this new organization of work has impacted relocations allowed us to establish the archetypical profile of teleworkers in the Paris region.
In most cases, relocations or projected relocations involve an increased distance between the home and the workplace. People may commute less frequently but travel more kilometers overall. As we also know that regions outside Île-de-France rely more heavily on car use, we cannot ignore the potential for increased travel-related CO2 emissions.
Levers: Travel passes paid for by organizations (companies and administrations); encourage longer but less frequent periods in the workplace.
These new teleworkers living outside of Île-de-France may have to travel long distances each week and sleep away from home regularly. In the past, our studies have shown that this lifestyle is often tiring, leading some to change it after a while. But under certain conditions, people can also come to appreciate it and realize that it can allow them to reconcile their professional and personal choices.
Levers: take into account the work time that occurs in transport; cover the expense of overnight stays near the workplace (considering the corresponding real estate savings for organizations - companies and administrations).
Policies to enhance attractiveness could be implemented in currently neglected territories to welcome these new workers and prevent them from settling in other regions that are already considered the most attractive and, in some cases, are saturated.
Levers: Companies could be encouraged to establish more premises in small and medium-sized cities that are accessible from Paris by train.
Download the first part of our survey (archetypical profile of teleworkers, in French)
The remote performance of a salaried activity outside of the company’s premises, at home or in a third place during normal working hours and requiring access to telecommunication tools.
En savoir plus xA lifestyle is a composition of daily activities and experiences that give sense and meaning to the life of a person or a group in time and space.
En savoir plus xLifestyles
To cite this publication :
Mobile Lives Forum et L'Obsoco (Research and consulting company) (01 February 2022), « Does teleworking allow people to leave Île-de-France ? », Préparer la transition mobilitaire. Consulté le 10 March 2025, URL:
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