Maria Besselièvre
A PhD student at the Urban Planning Economy and Transports Lab (LAET, for Laboratoire Aménagement Économie Transports), Maria Besselièvre is a graduate of the School of Sustainable Spatial Planning (ENTPE) and holds a Master's degree in City and Urban Environments, in the Cities in Tension(s) program (Université Lumière Lyon 2 and ENTPE). Her thesis on residential cost follows on from her earlier work, which was awarded the 2021 New Voices Award (Mobilithèse) by the Mobile Lives Forum. She is supervised by Jean-Pierre Nicolas and Stéphanie Vincent, both researchers at LAET. This thesis focuses on the ability of Cerema Certified Mobility Surveys to calculate residential cost by cumulating the costs of housing and of daily mobility according to the kind of town or city of residence.