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Motility for Professional Integration
Niveau de profondeur
Balise H2 + H3
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<p><a href="" title="MAIL">Contact : Thomas Evariste </a></p>

The project, entitled Motility for Professional Integration, aims to bring together research by the team of Vincent Kaufmann on an individual’s potential for mobility (also known as motility) and fieldwork lead by Mouvances. For many years, both have been working on the individual factors that influence mobility (access, skills, personal projects), Kaufmann in an academic context and Mouvances in the field of social integration. Beyond the complimentary expertise that will benefit both organizations, this collaboration is an opportunity for the Forum to venture into academic research on motility, creating research tools that will serve the operational needs of political actors of change.


In 2014, Forum Vie Mobiles supported the launch of a collaboration between the bureau of research on mobility MOBIL’HOMME and MOUVANCES, an association for professional training and counsel.

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