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The Steering and Strategic Foresight Committee

A place of discussion, exchange and brainstorming, the steering and prospective committee functions as a research seminar and meets on a semi-annual basis.

Diverse in its multi-disciplinarity, the committee is a reflection of the Forum’s unique place at the crossroads of research, politics and artistic creation. It considers a multitude of viewpoints and promotes original comparisons, allowing for an understanding of mobility from various perspectives (social, political, anthropological and economic) and new keys for understanding.



Éric Chareyron is the head of Keoscopie (part of the Keolis Group), an observatory on lifestyles and mobility trends that combines different methodological approaches. His work with Keoscopie focuses on understanding the plurality of individuals and the diversity of territories, on distinguishing flows and people, and on observing behaviour over a “long” timeframe.


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Éric Charmes is research director at ENTPE, an engineering school located in Vaulx-en-Velin and part of the University of Lyon. He specializes in urban studies, urbanism and development. He is a member of the Interdisciplinary Research Lab on Cities, Spaces and Society (RIVES, part of the UMR CNRS EVS).



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Marie Chéron is in charge of Mobility at the Nicolas Hulot Foundation.



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Yves Crozet is a professor at the University of Lyon, emeritus since 2015 and a member of the Transport, Urban Planning and Economics Laboratory (LAET-CNRS). He is also a research fellow at CERRE (Brussels). In 2016, he published a book called Hyper-mobilité et politiques publiques : changer d’époque ?.


A graduate of HEC and IEP Paris, and a former student of ENA, Antoine de Rocquigny began his career in 1999 in the Budget Department of the Ministry of Finance. He joined the SNCF in 2003 as head of TER strategy, and has held various positions in the company: deputy director of TER Nord-Pas de Calais, director of the Picardie region and then director of the president's cabinet. After a spell as deputy director of the cabinet of the Minister for the Budget, he joined the Travel business in 2013 as director of operations and customer service, then as director in charge of finance, strategy and legal affairs. He is now Secretary General of SNCF Immobilier.



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Cécile Duflot was appointed Executive Director of Oxfam France in June 2018. Oxfam France is an international solidarity organization that has been mobilizing citizens to fight against inequality and poverty for 30 years, by acting both on the root causes and the direct consequences of these inequalities.


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Jean-Baptiste Fressoz is a historian of science, technology and environment, and researcher at the CNRS (EHESS). He is the author of several books including The Joyful Apocalypse. A History of Technological Risk, and co-author of The Anthropocene Event and of The Revolts of the Sky. He is currently working on the history of energy and material symbioses.



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Caroline Gallez is a researcher at Université Gustave Eiffel. She studies the social and environmental issues associated with the regulation of urban mobility and energy. Her recent research focuses on mobility dependence, on policies and citizen initiatives geared towards the ecological “transition” and on environmental justice.


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Mark Hunyadi is a philosopher and professor at UCLouvain (Belgium). He is the author of The Tyranny of Lifestyles (2015) and In the Beginning is Trust (2020). Associate professor at the Institut Mines-Télécom of Paris, he is also a member of the Ethics Committee of Orange (France), as well as of the joint ethics committee INRAE-CIRAD-IFREMER-IRD.


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A graduate of Sciences Po Lille, Lucile Janssoone is the CSR & Sustainable Mobility project manager within the Réseau Alliances, the network of responsible entrepreneurs in Hauts-de-France. Through the Déclic Mobilités community, which brings together over 350 public and private actors, she coordinates a regional ecosystem and supports employers in mobility management.


Kaufmann Vincent.jpg.jpegVincent KAUFMANN
Swiss sociologist and scientific director of the Forum Vies Mobiles, Vincent Kaufmann is a mobility research pioneer and inventor of the concept of motility . He is director of the Urban Sociology Laboratory at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (LaSUR-EPFL) and professor of sociology and mobility analysis.




Lecturer in economics at the University of Le Havre, Arnaud le Marchand is a member of the TERRA scientific network.


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Nicolas Mathieu is a French writer born in 1978. His second novel, Leurs enfants après eux (Actes Sud, 2018) was awarded the Goncourt Prize. He published Connemara (Actes Sud) in February 2022.



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Director of the University of Paris-Dauphine Social Science Laboratory, IRISSO (Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire en sciences sociales) and professor of sociology at Paris-Dauphine, Dominique Meda is Ecological Reconversion, Work and Social Policy chair at the Collège d’études mondiales.


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Chiara Rabbiosi is a researcher at the Department of Historical and Geographical Sciences and the Ancient World at the University of Padova (Italy). She has an active role in the Centre for Advanced Studies in Mobility and the Humanities ( and teaches in the Mobility Studies MA program and the Local Development MA program. Her research focuses on tourist mobility, at the crossroads with other types of mobility.




The Mobile Lives Forum is headed by Antoine de Rocquigny.

Antoine de Rocquigny, a graduate of HEC and IEP Paris, and a former student of ENA, began his career in 1999 in the Budget Department of the Ministry of Finance. He joined the SNCF in 2003 as head of TER strategy, and has held various positions in the company: deputy director of TER Nord-Pas de Calais, director of the Picardie region and then director of the president's cabinet. After a spell as deputy director of the cabinet of the Minister for the Budget, he joined the Travel business in 2013 as director of operations and customer service, then as director in charge of finance, strategy and legal affairs. He is now Secretary General of SNCF Immobilier.

Sylvie Landriève is responsible for steering, organizing and coordinating the Institute’s activities.

Sylvie Landriève is a Director of the Mobile Lives Forum. She focuses on the evaluation of public policies and the involvement of citizens in their development. With an academic background in the social sciences (Sorbonne and Sciences Po Paris) and research in management (Mines, Nanterre, and ESCP), she furthered her interest in these topics through her work in real estate as well as private and public urban planning (BNP Real Estate, SNCF). Books: L'Immobilier. Une passion française, Demopolis, 2016 ; Pour en finir avec la vitesse, l’Aube, 2021. Contact.

Scientific and Artistic Direction

Vincent Kaufmann is the Mobile Lives Forum’s scientific director. In charge of validating the scientific interest of Forum guidelines, actions and productions, he chairs the Steering and Strategic Foresight Committee and oversees the implementing of the Forum’s projects at the scientific level.

Vincent Kaufmann, a Swiss sociologist, is one of the pioneers of mobility and inventor of the concept of motility. He is director of LaSUR at the EPFL, General Secretary of CEAT and professor of sociology and mobility analyses.

Javier Caletrio is the scientific advisor of the Mobile Lives Forum for the English-speaking world.

Javier Caletrío (BA Economics, Valencia; MA, PhD Sociology, Lancaster) is a researcher with a background in the humanities and social sciences. In adittion, he also has a strong interest in the natural sciences, especially ecology and ornithology. His research lies broadly in the areas of environmental change and sustainability transitions, especially in relation to mobility and inequality. Javier was  based at the Centre for Mobilities Research at Lancaster University from 1998 to 2017.

The Team

Matthieu Bloch is in charge of research projects, and the design and implementation of desired and sustainable mobility policies. He completed a master's degree in urban and regional planning from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and has managed several public space projects to develop alternative modes of transportation to the car within the EPT Plaine Commune in the last five years. Contact

Tom Dubois is responsible for research promotion, communications and public relations at the Mobile Lives Forum. He holds a master's degree in Urbanism and Urban Planning (Paris School of Urban Planning / École des Ponts Paris Tech) as well as a master's degree in communication (Sciences Po Paris). Contact.

Thomas Evariste holds master’s degree in history and publishing (University of Caen). He was a lecturer for the National Monuments at the Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel, then worked at Presses Universitaires de France before joining the Mobile Lives Forum as editorial director. Contact.

Lina Fornara Danjou, assistant. Contact

Agathe Lefoulon, a graduate of the master’s program in urban planning and development at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, is responsible for managing some resarch projects in the social sciences and humanities and organizing events. Contact.


Board of Directors

The Board of Directors defines the Forum’s general policy and aims. It is comprised of five members of the SNCF group.

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