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Jean-Baptiste Frétigny


Jean-Baptiste Frétigny is Senior Lecturer in Geography at the University of Cergy-Pontoise. His research concerns the political, social and cultural significance of mobility and public space, from the individual to the global.

Christophe Gay

Mobile Lives Forum's director

Christophe Gay has combined training in international law (Sceaux), political science (Sorbonne) and psychosociology (Nanterre). After working on the image of big companies and local governments, he was the regional transportation communication director and then headed strategic planning for SNCF communications. An expert in mobility issues, he is behind the creation of the Forum.

Jean-Marc Offner


An urban planner and policy expert, Jean-Marc Offner is the managing director of a-urba, the urban development agency of Bordeaux Aquitaine, and of the Science Po Urban School. He was previously the director of the Technical, Territorial and Societies Laboratory (LATTS) and, prior to this, was head of the Urban Development-Transport-Environment Department at France’s École des Ponts et Chaussées.

To cite this publication :

Jean-Baptiste Frétigny et Christophe Gay (19 October 2020), « “Limiting the carbon footprint of mobility: what are the right policies for France?” », Préparer la transition mobilitaire. Consulté le 06 February 2025, URL: