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Adrien Lammoglia


Adrien Lammoglia holds a PHD in geography and computer science and is a lecturer at Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 University. A member of the Laboratoire d'Aménagement et de Géographie de Montpellier (LAGAM), he specializes in transport and mobility issues, working on flexible and innovative transport solutions such as dynamic Transport on Demand and new autonomous and connected transport systems, as well as active and electric mobility. From a methodological point of view, he mobilizes geosimulation tools (Multi-Agent Systems, Geographic Information Systems...) as well as survey techniques. Finally, since 2010, he has specialized in France-Africa cooperation, notably on issues relating to the development of African metropolises.

Projects with the Forum


Tactical cycling urbanism and the health crisis

Laurent Chapelon , Sandrine Depeau, Benoit Feildel, Adrien Lammoglia, Maëlle Lucas, Nathalie ORTAR, Adrien Poisson

Publications with the Forum