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Agnès Sinaï

Journalist, researcher (Momentum)

Agnès Sinaï founded the Institut Momentum and is an environmental journalist for the website and Le Monde diplomatique. She is the author of various publications including “Sauver la Terre,” co-authored with Yves Cochet (Fayard, 2003), and “Labo-Planète” co-authored with Catherine Bourgain and Jacques Testard (Mille et Une Nuits, 2011). She directed the volume I and II of “Politiques de l'Anthropocène,” which appeared in Presses de Sciences Po (“Penser la décroissance” in 2013 and “Economie de l'après croissance” in 2015) and co-authored “Petit traité de résilience locale” (Editions Charles Léopold Mayer, 2015). She has been a lecturer at Sciences Po since 2010, where she works on the politics of degrowth.

Yves Cochet

Researcher (Momentum)

Yves Cochet is president of the Institut Momentum. He served as the Minister of Territorial Planning and of the Environment under Lionel Jospin. He was member of the European Parliament for the European Green Party, after having served as a Member of Parliament in the French National Assembly from 1997 to 2011. He holds a PhD in Mathematics, and was a lecturer-researcher at the National Institute of Applied Sciences of Rennes from 1969 to 1997 where he studied the theory of neural networks. He notably published “Stratégie et moyens de développement de l’efficacité énergétique et des sources d’énergie renouvelable en France” (La Documentation française, 2000), “Sauver la terre” with Agnes Sinaï (Fayard, 2003), “Pétrole apocalypse” (Fayard, 2005), “Antimanuel d’écologies” (Bréal, 2009), and “Où va le monde?” with Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Susan George and Serge Latouche (Mille et Une Nuits, 2012).

Benoît Thévard


Benoît Thévard is an engineer from the Ecoles des Mines en Génie Energétique. After spending several years in aeronautics industry, he travelled to Quebec and spent several months living in an ecovillage that is preparing for a post-oil world. Since returning to France, he writes for the blog, conducts research on territorial resilience, and travels across the country giving conferences to inform citizens, elected officials and companies about the urgent necessity of a societal transition. He is also a member of the Institut Momentum and of the Association Virage Energie Centre-Val de Loire, as well as the founder of a local public transition initiative. Finally, he has authored two reports for the “European Parliament: Europe facing peak oil” (2012) and “Towards Resilient Territories in 2030” (2014).

To cite this publication :

Agnès Sinaï et Yves Cochet (05 May 2020), « Le Grand Paris après l’effondrement », Préparer la transition mobilitaire. Consulté le 02 October 2024, URL: