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Student workshop in urban planning


The workshop is composed of four master students in territory planning from the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne : Guillaume Blandeau, Colette Bordedebat, Esther Briend et Justine Lanon. Coming from Geography or preparatory classes, they are trained both in qualitative or sensitive methods and quantitative analysis. Specialized in urban studies, they are also familiar with a variety of topics ranging from housing and real estate to transportation and mobility. Finally, they bring to the project a new look rooted in their experiences abroad (Guillaume in Australia and Hong Kong, Colette in Brasil and Germany and Esther in Canada).

Ses recherches avec le Forum


Post-Car Ile-de-France

Arnaud Banos, Sandrine Berroir, Hadrien Commenges , Jean Debrie , Juliette Maulat, Atelier Urbanisme et Aménagement

Ses publications avec le Forum