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Retrouvez dans cette rubrique les ouvrages parus récemment sur la mobilité. Pour nous signaler la parution de livres francophones, merci de contacter Thomas Evariste, pour les livres anglophones, hispanophones ou lusophones merci de contacter Javier Caletrio.

As the era of high globalization has given way to a time of resurgent nationalisms, the discourse of travel has undergone significant change. [...]

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Le nouveau monde des mobilités impose de réfléchir aux ajustements du droit et de l'assurance sur les questions essentielles de Sécurité routière. [...]

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La ville est construite pour être traversée à certaines vitesses. Les pratiques de vitesse et de lenteur induisent une expérience esthétique particulière de la ville. [...]

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Embark on a journey into the heart of a new industrial revolution—one that promises to redefine human mobility for generations to come. [...]

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Recent changes in travel practices, triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, raise the question of how cities and mobility systems are changing. Moreover, many local governments are accelerating their plans to reduce car traffic. [...]

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This book examines the relationship between migration and socioeconomic status. [...]

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Makes the case for investment in transport systems in an age of great climate change concern. Transport systems are central to daily life, but simultaneously have a salient impact on our environment. [...]

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The road novel is often dismissed as a mundane, nostalgic genre: Jack, Sal, and other tedious white men on the road trying to recapture an authentic youth and American past that never existed. [...]

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This book explores the legal and societal implications of autonomous vehicles (AVs), drawing on historical examples of disruptive technologies and the complex process of their adoption. [...]

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Shaping Space and Mobilities in Contemporary Walking Narratives represents an exploration of the dynamic intersections between mobility, space, and literature. [...]

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