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Retrouvez dans cette rubrique les ouvrages parus récemment sur la mobilité. Pour nous signaler la parution de livres francophones, merci de contacter Thomas Evariste, pour les livres anglophones, hispanophones ou lusophones merci de contacter Javier Caletrio.

Anyone interested in the rise of American corporate capitalism should look to the streets of Baltimore. There, in 1827, citizens launched a bold new venture: a “rail-road” that would link their city with the fertile Ohio River Valley. [...]

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Many a scholar and policy analyst has lamented American dependence on cars and the corresponding lack of federal investment in public transportation throughout the latter decades of the twentieth century. [...]

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Traffication develops a bold new idea: that the trillions of miles of driving we do each year are just as destructive to our natural environment as any of the better known threats, such as habitat loss or intensive farming. [...]

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2035 signera la fin de vente de la voiture thermique. Le réchauffement climatique l’impose : nous devons cesser d’émettre des gaz à effet de serre en brûlant du pétrole pour circuler. [...]

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With more than 120,000 Japanese restaurants around the world, Japanese cuisine has become truly global. [...]

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The role and agency of the public is often a minor consideration for researchers, authorities, and other experts evaluating policy goals, strategies, and instruments within the transport sector. [...]

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Drive the streets of Nairobi, and you are sure to see many matatus—colorful minibuses that transport huge numbers of people around the city. [...]

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During the past seven decades, Palestine has been sealed from the Arab world and shattered into fragmented and coded areas: 1948 area, 1967 area, Jerusalem, West Bank, Gaza, and A, B and C areas within the West Bank. [...]

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This book discusses the importance of transitioning from conventionally fuelled, electric and hydrogen personal vehicles towards low carbon electric and hydrogen public transport. [...]

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In the complex and multi-layered process of migration and identity-building, classical migration theories and approaches of transnationalism seem no longer able to grasp how belonging and home are to be found in movement. [...]

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