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Retrouvez dans cette rubrique les ouvrages parus récemment sur la mobilité. Pour nous signaler la parution de livres francophones, merci de contacter Thomas Evariste, pour les livres anglophones, hispanophones ou lusophones merci de contacter Javier Caletrio.

La civilisation très urbaine du XXIème siècle, les enjeux liés au changement climatique et à la lutte pour réduire les pollutions, les champs ouverts par la révolution numérique et technologique annoncent des évolutions structurelles majeures, à moye [...]

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Journeys Exposed: Women’s Writing, Photography and Mobility examines contemporary literature written by women that are all related to Italy in different ways. [...]

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How does the need to obtain and deliver health services engender particular (im)mobility forms? And how is mobility experienced and imagined when it is required for healthcare access or delivery? [...]

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Communications and Mobility is a unique, interdisciplinary look at mobility, territory, communication, and transport in the 21stcentury with extended case studies of three icons of this era: the mobile phone, the migrant, and the container box. [...]

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The streets of Rio de Janeiro have long been characterized as exuberant and exotic places for social commerce, political expression, and the production and dissemination of culture. [...]

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Everyone needs transport to move around and to access everyday needs, but for each individual those needs are different, and they change over time and space: herein lie the seeds of inequalities in transport. [...]

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La métropolisation implique une expansion urbaine incessante et l’accélération des flux et des rythmes de vie. [...]

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This book presents a unique geographical perspective on issues of transport and mobility for ageing populations. Society is ageing across the globe. [...]

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Rapid changes are underway in mobility systems worldwide, including the introduction of shared mobility solutions, Mobility as a Service and the testing of automated vehicles. [...]

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Dans ce monde qui semble soumis à une accélération constante, où l'on ne cesse de louer la marche ou la course, nous souhaitons et craignons à la fois que tout ralentisse ou même que tout s'arrête. [...]

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