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Retrouvez dans cette rubrique les ouvrages parus récemment sur la mobilité. Pour nous signaler la parution de livres francophones, merci de contacter Thomas Evariste, pour les livres anglophones, hispanophones ou lusophones merci de contacter Javier Caletrio.

The bicycle enjoyed a starring role in urban history over a century ago, but now it is back, stronger than ever. It is the single most important tool for improving our cities. [...]

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L'évolution des mobilités, l'élargissement des espaces de travail et la transformation des modes de vie ont-ils une incidence sur la famille et les liens qui la constituent ? [...]

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La mondialisation ne se résume pas au succès de quelques multinationales et à la richesse d’une minorité de nantis. Les acteurs les plus engagés dans la mondialisation demeurent discrets, souvent invisibles. [...]

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The book considers urban mobilities and immobilities in the Global South through an exploration of the theoretical and methodological entry points that can be used to further the agenda of transport planning. [...]

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‘Hurry’ is an intrinsic component of modernity. [...]

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The practice of packing a bag is a situation where subtle, daily processes can attune us to the relationships and experiences formed in mobile situations. [...]

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“Y sin embargo se mueve”, habría murmurado Galileo Galilei tras pronunciar su discurso abjurando de la idea herética del movimiento de la Tierra alrededor del sol. Casi cuatro siglos después, el mundo está en pleno movimiento. [...]

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In an era of increasing mobilities, places of residence are still vital. Unlike commuting, migrating or travelling, dwelling usually evokes – at least in modern Western thought – the idea of an immobile, private place to rest. [...]

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In order to understand the diversity of cycling practices, Velo-Mobilities considers the changing meanings, materials and competencies that contribute and interrelate to produce various forms of cycling. [...]

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The book explores the tension between the extended capabilities offered by media technology and growing media reliance, focusing particularly on mobile middle-class lives. [...]

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